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Let the Eagle fly

GelSoft is all about having fun and the GelSoft Eagle pistol delivers just that allowing you to get in on the action whether your plinking or having a skirmish shoot out. The GelSoft Eagle pistol shoots soft gel ammunition accurately up to 20 meters – the ammo contains mainly water making it fully biodegradable and great for the environment. On impact, the ammo bursts or simply bounces off the target.

The GelSoft Eagle has a lightweight polymer body with a hand large grip that's great for single or double-handed use. The mock silencer screws to the front of the barrel and the laser sight/torch is mounted on the lower RIS rail which also provides access to the battery compartment.

The Eagle has a fully automatic firing mode but can also fire a single round with a press and release of the trigger. Ammo is loaded into the mock telescope, fillport hopper, which is situated on the top of the pistol; the ammo loads automatically and fires up to four rounds per second on fully automatic mode.

What’s in the box

The GelSoft Eagle is supplied with 3000 rounds of ammo, a mixing bottle, fillport hopper, torch and laser sight, USB charger and battery pack, silencer. The GelSoft Eagle is simple to assemble and does not require any tools. Goggles are not included

GelSoft Eagle Box
GelSoft Eagle Black Urban Parts


Range 17-22m
Dimensions 210 x 140 x 40mm
Ammo Capacity 250 Rounds
Charging Time 3hrs

Charging Guide

Charging Guide

Charging the battery pack

Charging the battery packs couldn’t be simpler follow these five easy steps to get the best performance from your GelSoft gun.

Step 1

Disconnect the battery from your GelSoft gun.

Step 2

Attach the battery cable to the included USB charger.

Step 3

Connect the charging cable into any USB charging port.

Step 4

Allow approximately 3 hours for a full charge. – The USB connector has a red LED indicator which indicates charge level. The LED will dim or go out when the battery pack has received a full charge.

Step 5

The battery will then be ready for reinstallation and use!

Ammo Preparation

Ammo Preparation

Preparing ammo is really simple

Step 1

Empty sachet of dry GelSoft beads into the included bottle, or alternatively, you can make much larger quantities of ammo by pouring several dry sachets into a larger bowl or bottle.

Step 2

Fill the bottle to the top with water, or, in the case of making a larger batch, ensure all the dry ammo is completely covered by a good centimetre of water.

Step 3

Leave for approximately 3-4 hours to ensure enough water has been absorbed to bring the ammo to full size. We recommend leaving this overnight just to make sure. (Once they’ve finished absorbing water, they cannot get any bigger, so there are no negative side effects of leaving overnight).

Step 4

Once complete, place the now complete ammo onto a piece of kitchen towel or cloth to remove excess moisture and return to a bottle or storage container until needed.

Step 5

The ammo is now ready to be loaded into your GelSoft gun.

Top Tip:
Never run out of ammo by preparing several sachets of ammo before your battle! They keep for a long time if kept in water and topped up occasionally.


Customer Reviews

Another great Eagle
Absolutely love the Eagle series. My first was the Graffiti and I have to say still my favourite. For some bizarre reason the accuracy on that is slightly better than this one but I still love it and the graphic job on it is awesome. Review by sPuRs7402
starsGood powerful gun for the money .well worth it .
Good powerful gun for the money . The silencer is rubbish and can interfere with the gel soft balls when shot . But amazing gun for the money . Loads of fun .. Review by kris m
Great for getting rid of cats and squirrels
Bought these to shoot cats and squirrels that constantly plague our garden. Whilst it will not harm them it gives them a scare and puts them off. Accurate enough and has a reasonable range for the job. Review by graham ennis
My kids love them.
They've been running around shooting each other all day since we got these. I noticed the don't seem to like being shot, but love shooting each other. I think we're going to have a lot of fun with these. Thank you! Review by Mumof3
Excellent bit of kit that keeps grownups and kids entertained.
This is my second blaster, unfortunately my first on developed a malfunction which was replaced for me by Adam and Gertie, so many thanks. I’m 44 but my mates and i are having such a blast with this safe and environmentally friendly toy. They look cool and have a great rate of fire for not much money, a great tip is order extra ammo and prepare plenty in advance, the battery lasts for a long time even when used heavily. Review by Matt from Oldham Gel Worx

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